Temporary / Flexi Staffing

We offer temporary staffing solutions to meet our clients’ short-term workforce needs. Whether it’s filling in for absent employees, managing seasonal demands, or supporting special projects, we provide skilled and reliable temporary staff to ensure operational continuity and efficiency.

Our Process

Transient HR Solution specializes in providing short-term employees to organizations seeking temporary workforce solutions.

1. Needs Assessment:

We gather your requirements to understand the ideal candidate profile and find the best fit for your organization.

2. Sourcing and Interviewing:

Our team sources potential candidates, conducts initial interviews, and shortlists the most suitable ones, ensuring they possess the necessary skills for the job.

3. Thorough Screening:

As part of the onboarding process, we perform various checks such as background verifications, employment history, and health assessments to ensure quality hires.

4. Matching the Right Candidate:

We strive to find candidates perfectly suited to your open roles, fulfilling your specific workforce needs.

5. Performance Analysis:

Acting as your temporary agency service provider, we continuously monitor and assess employee performance to ensure they are fulfilling their roles effectively.

Benefits of Temporary / Flexi Staffing

Complete Life Cycle Management

Onboarding, Payroll Management, Compliances & Exit Formalities i.e Complete outsource of Employee life-cycle management

Ensures Flexibility of Hiring & Firing

Creation of a Glass wall between Employee & Employer